PCHRC requires Section 8 (HCV) Recipients to live in our housing jurisdiction for one (1) full year before any availability to port is granted.

VASH Voucher Program

VASH Voucher Program

Learn more about the program to help homeless veterans

VASH Voucher Program is a program designed to help homeless veterans locate affordable, safe, decent and sanitary rental housing with the landlord of their choosing. To qualify for the VASH Voucher Program you must be referred by a participating agency.

The HUD-VASH program provides rental assistance under a supportive housing program for homeless veterans. This program combines Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance for homeless veterans administered by PCHRC with on-going case management, health and other supportive services provided by the Department of Veteran Affairs Medical Center (VAMC).

The VAMC is responsible for program marketing and outreach. PCHRC will not maintain a waiting list of households interested in the HUD-VASH program. PCHRC will refer households who appear to be homeless veterans to the VAMC as potential eligible participants of the HUD-VASH program. After the VAMC has completed its screening process it will refer HUD-VASH eligible households to PCHRC. PCHRC will not have a role in determining if the veteran has a “less than honorable” discharge, the household’s homeless status or any other screening criteria.

In order to participate in the HUD-VASH program the household’s income must be at or below 50% of the area median income for the household’s size and cannot be subject to a lifetime registration requirement under any state’s sex offender registry program.

If eligible to participate in this program the veteran will be issued a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher which will allow her/him to receive rental assistance in the unit of their choice, that meets HUD’s criteria.

Updated Date: 4 October 2022
Published Date: 23 July 2022
house with white gradient over it